Sissy N. Papagiannidou

Sissy N. Papagiannidou

Director of Payment and Settlement Systems Department at the Bank of Greece

Sissy is currently Director of Payment and Settlement Systems Department at the Bank of Greece. She has served at various positions at Bank of Greece for 32 years, mainly in the areas of payment and securities settlement systems, financial stability and banking regulation and supervision. She has been member in numerous Committees and working groups at the European Central Bank, the European Systemic Risk Board, the European Commission and the European Council (where, inter alia, chaired the Council Working Party on PSD2) and was active in EU technical assistance missions for West Balkan countries. She participated in the Supervisory Board of the European Central Bank (2015-20) and was member of the Board of Supervisors (2015-20) of the European Banking Authority and elected member of its Management Board. She is currently member of the Market Infrastructure and Payments Committee and of the High Level Task Force on Digital Euro at the European Central Bank. She is also member of the Board of the Hellenic Exchanges (ATHEX) Group. She has studied Economics at the Ethnikon and Kapodistriakon Uninversity of Athens and is fluent in English, German and French.